설빙 Korean Famous Desert - SulBing

Left: 인절설빙7,000 won
Right: 망고치지 설빙 Mango Cheese SulBing 9,900 won
생딸기 설빙 Strawberry SulBing 9,900 won
리얼초코 설빙 Real Choco SulBing 9,000 won
인절미그린티 설빙고 InJeolMi Green Tea SulBingo 7,300 won
*It served with some small slices of Green tea cakes,
Korean traditional rice cake and a green tea ice-cream.
설빙(SulBing) is very famous dessert cafe in Korea. Especially in HOT Summer, many teenagers would like to have a bowl of cool SeolBing. There still have more choices of Seol Bing, please check it on http://sulbing.com 
(only in Korean)

망고 설빙고 Mango SulBingo 7,300 won


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