
Showing posts from 2015

Bites Cafe @ Sungai Besi

又来到一间蛮独特的咖啡厅。 不只是咖啡哦~还有许多甜到心里的威化饼及能让你拥有美好开始的早餐。 我个人很喜欢吃这里的意大利面,可说是色香味具全。 Bites Cafe , from Sri Petaling to Bites just spend 5 mins by car.   Are you tired? Lets take a rest       Some interesting decorations  Some posters on the wall with movies' titles                         exp: UP, Hunger Games and more Caffe Mocha  Aglio Olio with Chicken Cube RM 12.90

Coffea Coffee Sri Petaling 코페아커피

I believe than you can see many coffee shops surround us today. There are many outlets of Coffea Coffee in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Pavillion, The Curve, Sunway Pyramid and Sri Petaling. Coffea Coffee at Sri Petaling is at a shop lot. They are provided premium coffee and organic tea. I myself would like to enjoy a cup of Cappuccino at Coffea Coffee. At the same time you can choose the sweetness of the coffee. * 이 커피숍은 한국의 성남에 있다. 밑에 웹사이트를 크릭크하며 참고해 주시기 바람.    코페아커피의 커피를 추천함. 맛있다. 난 말레이시아에 마셔 봤는데 비싸지 않고 정말 맛있       더라. ^^ 한국 코페아커피              Malaysia Coffea Coffee Sri Petaling's Outlet Cappuccino RM 10.50 (3,300원) Caffe Mocha 카페 모카 RM 12 (3,700원) Tropical Hummingbird Cake RM 13 (4,000 원) Address: Jalan Radin Bagus 3,                Bandar Sri Petaling,                57000 Kuala Lumpur,       ...

Doors Cafe OUG

Doors Cafe < click here for more information Address: No.51, Jalan Hujan, Overseas Union Garden, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Contact : +6 03 7972 2779 Business Hour: Sun to Wed                      10a.m til 10p.m                      Fri & Sat                      10a.m til 12a.m                      *Close on Thurs 这家咖啡店的设计都符合了这标题“Doors” -门口。店里的墙上都画满着壁画、使用着橘黄的电灯,就能让舒适地享受一杯美好的下午茶。 Cappuccino RM 10.60 Matcha Cheese Cake RM 12.70

카페베네 말레이시아 Caffe Bene (Malaysia)

나는 말레이시아에 다시 돌아왔다~ 여기는 365일 여름이라서 빙수를 먹어야지~ ㅋㅋㅋ 어제 친구랑 카페베네에 갔다~ 말레이시아의 빙수가 한국 빙수보다 훨씬 싸고 맛있당 ^^ 커피빙수 Coffee Bingsu RM 13.55 = 4,100원 (Single) RM 23.50 = 7,100원 (Double) 딸기빙수 Strawberry Bingsu RM 13.55 = 4,100원 (Single)RM 23.50 = 7,100원 (Double)

我们的人生 . 우리의 인생 . Our Life

我,利筠来自马来西亚,在韩国留学将近两年半了。 下周就是期末考了,但还在写部落阁,是因为突然之间有些感想想分享。 我来到韩国遇到一位非常棒的老师!他是一位教导人生及能让我们正真了解自己的老师。 在学校也有几门教养课,也教导人的价值。 在那之中,我也写了不少关于人生的报告。 都是透过他的教导,领悟到一些事情。 1) 你不是最强的 !You are not the strongest! 就算你在奥林匹克得了冠军,不代表你就是世界冠军,你不就只是那项目的冠军。 例:你的强项是游泳,但你只有那方面强而已,你还是需要其他人的帮助。 你住的家,是你自己建的吗?你穿的衣服是你设计,你做的吗? 当你体力逐渐下降的时候,冠军就不会再属于你的了。 每个人都有自己的强项,同时也各有自己的弱点,所以我们根本就没有资格看不起任何人! 别就因为他比你小,就无视他。别就因为你有钱,就能看不起别人或欺负人!钱不就只是个数目、是个非生物,钱不是万能的。你可能会在一夜之间失去它,而且死了之后,根本就无法带走的一个物体。你们可能说钱能买到朋友。对!是能买到,但却得不到真心。什么是正真的永恒幸福与快乐?都不是出自于那份真心吗? 放下傲慢吧~ 2) 别放弃!做到最后 !포기하지 마라! 끝까지 행해라! Don't give up! 我人生导师经常都教导我们,做每件事都别放弃,做到最后才能看到结果! 你们可能会说,说倒是容易,做起来就不知道了。 我真的做到了!在6月29日我的成绩出来了。下了我一跳,是我预想不到的成绩。 我一直都认为会得到 C的,但竟然是A喔! 为什么呢?在这堂课里,我有许多不足的部分,但唯一的部分是不放弃,把所有一切尽力而为去做好。这一半原有40名学生,但在最后剩下20多名,其余都放弃了,而且在班里只有两名外国人,那就是我和一名日本学生。就连我们外国人在语言(韩语)当然不比你们好,我们都没放弃,但为什么你们放弃呢?我也知道这堂课不简单,但别放弃,尽力去做不就好了吗?还有,一次做不好,就做十次吧!十次也做不好,那就做数百次吧!总会成功的! 3) 所有事情都能解决的 !모든 일을 해결할 수 있다! Every problems can be solve! 有想过人的核心是什么吗?我们人类有五脏六腑,有各肢体,每个部位都非常重要,都...

Retrona Pie Tart & More

Today went to National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art  alone in Seoul (Beside of Gyeong Bok Gung). After visited I found a special street beside the museum. It was my lunch time, but I don't felt want to have any lunch. I found this!! Wow~ Tarts and pies. There were variety choices. I just bought a slice of pie and a cup of coffee. Banana Crunch 6, 200won

CAFE METRO at Mangpo Station

huh~ Summer is coming...lets have a cooling and delicious Melon Bingsu!! Best ever desert in this HOT weather ! *is at B1 of Golden Square (Mango Station Exit 3, 망포역 3번 출구) Melon Bingsu 13,900 won


哈哈!天气好,当然要吃好料啦~ 今天正好是我好友生日,就和她一块去庆生!^^ We celebrated birthday at Ashley (nearby Mangpo Station망포역, 2nd Floor, 2층 at HYGOLF) Weekdays Lunch Buffet - 12,900 won Dinner/ Weekend - 19,900 won


Wow! I found a super delicious desert to me today! Is not sweet just nice for me! U may try it too! Is my favourite desert ever! YOGER PRESSO's Strawberries drinks ^^ Pure Strawberry Milk 4,000 won Strawberry with Yogurt 6,000 won

my NEW 한국 snacks! 韩国零食

Market O Classic Chocolate 3,200 won Choco Roll 1,200won Strawberry Pepero! 1,200 won Latest Pepero!! ^^ (960 won)

Camper Cafe in Kyung Hee University 경희대

Today had a group meeting in Camper Cafe in Kyung Hee University~ Just had a cup of tea at the coffee shop (our professor invited us) Hehe >.< interior of camper

Kaffee Pause 카페파우제 (Korea)

Kaffee Pause 카페파우제

Caffe Bene (Korea)

Usually in period of my Mid-term or Final, I will study at coffee shop. In Korea we can found out many coffee shops (5 to 8 coffee shops in a shop lot). Starbucks, Caffe Bene, Twosome Place, Hollys and more...(These are the common coffee shops) Well, I myself prefer Caffe Bene nearby my house, at Mangpo station Exit 8 because the staffs are really friendly and the environment is really suitable for study. Strawberry Frappuccino 5,800 won Lemon Tea 4,000 won Green Tea 4,000 won